FIND THE right spark plug FOR YOUR RIDE

About Us

For 82 years Brisk has carried a tradition of being the best. Despite of claims, there is no other spark plug manufacturer in the world that offers a spark plug with multiple discharges per single ignition system impulse!

Brisk has an annual production of more than 50 million spark plugs including Brisk Super spark plugs, Brisk Extra spark plugs, Brisk Forte spark plugs, Brisk Platin spark plugs, Brisk Double Platin spark plugs, Brisk Racing Iridium spark plugs, Brisk Racing Iridium/Yttrium spark plugs, Brisk Silver Racing spark plugs, Brisk LGS Lamborghini spark plugs, Brisk Evolution spark plugs, Brisk ZS/ZC spark plugs, Brisk TXS spark plugs.

Brisk offers unique, custom tailored products specific to the needs of the consumer and the application being built/used. Among others, Brisk is also an O.E. supplier for Lamborghini, TM Racing, VW, Volvo, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Opel, Sthil.

Brisk has covered virtually all our customer’s requirements for a better performing spark plug!  Whether its life longevity and low-cost spark plugs for your everyday drivers, or maximum efficiency and durability in a more specific, high performance application, Brisk has the ideal solution for your needs. 






BRITA company engaged in production of spark plugs (initially with mica and later on with ceramic insulators) was founded in Tabor, Czech Republic


The company controlled by OHM Keramische Werke from Berlin, and the production of spark plugs focused on war supplies


The company became a part of state-controlled PAL Automotive and Aircraft Enterprises (PAL has further been used as a company’s registered trade mark)


Joining with the competing spark plug company CIL from Tabor


Foundation of an independent national enterprise focused on production of automotive spark plugs
Preparation of a new ceramic material for spark plug insulators


Increase in spark plug production and principal extension of the company choice by PALTEST diagnostic devices and low-voltage aircraft ignition systems


Launching 3rd-generation spark plugs
Production of technical and electrotechnical ceramics


Production of cold-pressed spark plug shells
Transformation into state enterprise (1989)


Establishing BRISK Tábor a.s. joint-stock company, legal successor of JISKRA state enterprise.
Brisk increases spark plug production.


Brisk recives ISO 9001 certification
Brisk extends product range by emission testers
Brisk introduces new generation of Brisk Premium multi-spark plugs


Privatisation of the Brisk Tabor a.s. completed


Brisk starts production of speed sensors for SKODA AUTO a.s.; a part of VW Group
Brisk introduces new line of Brisk Premium TXS multi-spark plugs


Brisk supplying spark plugs to SKODA AUTO a.s.; a part of VW Group
Brisk increases spark plug production.
Brisk is launching new ignition electrodes and ionisation probes for household gas equipment


Brisk receives QS-9000 and VDA 6.1 certification


Brisk is classified among the best spark plug and speed sensor suppliers of VW concern
BRISK received "THE LEADING EDGE" award from the VW corporation as one of the corporation's best suppliers.
Brisk is classified among "CZECH 100 BEST"


Brisk receives EMS - ISO 14 001 certification
Brisk increases spark plug production.
Brisk is classified as one of the top one hundred Czech companies "CZECH 100 BEST"
Brisk opened a plant for the manufacturing of spark-plugs in the Kaliningrad region, Russia


Brisk supply of Brisk Premium LGS spark-plugs for basic production of Lamborghini Motori Marina
Brisk supply of spark-plugs for small agricultural machinery for basic production of SAGEM (JCAE)
Brisk supply of spark-plugs for basic production of AUTOVAZ a.s.
Brisk supply of spark-plugs for basic production of GAZ a.s.
Brisk is classified as one of the top one hundred Czech companies "CZECH 100 BEST"


Commencement of production of second-generation BRISK Premium LGS spark-plugs
DIN EN ISO 9001 VDA 6.1 QS 9000 ISO 14001


Brisk begins production of speed sensors for Volvo.


Brisk begins supply of Brisk Silver and Brisk Premium spark plugs for primary production of TM Racing.
Annual spark plug production exceeded 50 million spark plugs.
Brisk USA Ent. successfully test the potential of Brisk Premium spark plugs on the US market.
Brisk spark plugs are exported to over 55 countries around the world.